Embleton WI, Meeting

Church of the Holy Trinity, Embleton.Church of the Holy Trinity, Embleton.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Embleton.
A taste of chocolate

Members of Embleton WI were joined in the Creighton Hall by institute members of Amble, Belford, Brizlee, Longhoughton and Boulmer, together with other guests, for their July meeting.

Everyone was welcomed by president Mrs Norma Ham, before the singing of Jerusalem and the introduction of the speaker Dawn Watts, of Kenspeckle Chocolates.

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The company was set up in Lynemouth as a community enterprise to provide additional work in the area, and has developed with sales at local festivals, markets and other outlets, including Selfridges of London.

With the assistance of volunteer Embleton WI member Barbara Thornton, Dawn demonstrated the making of some chocolate products, the sampling of which was eagerly awaited by everyone.

A wide range of products, including fudge, cinder toffee and chocolate bars available at a pop-up shop, manned by Dawn’s daughter, was a great attraction to the WI ladies.

A vote of thanks to Dawn was given by Joan Littler.

Following afternoon tea and farewells to visitors, the members of Embleton WI conducted their business meeting.

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Arrangements were made for future events, including the September birthday party, the group meeting and local events. National and county literature was discussed.

Competition winners for a chocolate recipe were 1. Joyce Laidler, 2. Joan Littler, 3. Lynne Harris.