MP launches annual Christmas toy appeal

Anne-Marie Trevelyan launches her annual Christmas toys appeal.Anne-Marie Trevelyan launches her annual Christmas toys appeal.
Anne-Marie Trevelyan launches her annual Christmas toys appeal.
Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP has launched her annual Christmas buy one more toy appeal, now in its eighth year.

She is once more calling on local residents to support the poorest children across the North East, via the Salvation Army.

Anne-Marie said: “Christmas is often a difficult time for many people, particularly for children in our poorest families.

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“The Salvation Army does an incredible job at its Christmas lunches making it an exciting time for them, but relies on donations from the public to help bring some Christmas cheer to families across the North East.

“This is the eighth year that I am urging people who are able to, to buy one more toy and drop it in to my constituency offices for me to take to the Salvation Army for distribution across the North East. Every toy donated really makes a difference, and I have been so heartened by people’s generosity every year, and hope this year will be even better.”

Last year, the campaign collected more than 500 toys.

Anne-Marie popped in to Playtime toy shop in Berwick to buy some toys to kick-start the campaign.

All types of new toys are welcome, for any age group, but remember that toys with batteries are difficult as recipients may not have funds to buy new ones.

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Supporters can drop off toys at Mrs Trevelyan’s constituency offices in Berwick or Alnwick until December 8.

Alternatively email [email protected] to organise a more local drop off point or collection by one of the team.