Poppy cascade will be a fitting tribute

Working hard to make the poppies.Working hard to make the poppies.
Working hard to make the poppies.
As part of the national commemoration of the centenary of the end of the First World War, St Ebba's Church, in Beadnell, has decided to support the Royal British Legion by creating a cascade of home-made poppies.

The eye-catching and poignant tribute will be on show in the church from August 11 until the end of September, as well as on Remembrance Day.

The poppy cascade will be displayed from the village’s war memorials, which are in the church underneath dedicated stained-glass windows.

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Members and friends of the congregation were asked to knit or crochet poppies with an initial target of 1,000 by August.

The result has been astonishing, with the number of poppies surpassing this figure and reaching the 2,500 mark.

In an overwhelming show of public support and commemoration, most of the village has offered to lend a hand, while visitors and holidaymakers have been joining in. There are even knitters as far away as Canada and Spain.

The poppies will represent, by their colour, those who fought and died, including the animals and those who served in other ways, and those who were shot at dawn.

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The display will be unveiled in the church over a special poppy weekend of August 11 and 12.

There will be an evening of music and readings from the period together with an act of remembrance and dedication on the 12th. Light refreshments will be available during this weekend.

As part of Beadnell’s Remembrance Day proceedings, the poppies will be sold in aid of the Royal British Legion.

There is still time for new knitters to join in. For more details and to knit poppies, contact Val on 01665 721159.

In preparation for the display, a big stitch-up event is being held today at the WI Hut at 2pm. All welcome.