Make 2022 the year that you reduce your carbon footprint

Reduce your carbon footprint (photo: Shutterstock)Reduce your carbon footprint (photo: Shutterstock)
Reduce your carbon footprint (photo: Shutterstock)

Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit for more advice.

Reducing your carbon footprint

Q: When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, I want to do my bit for the planet.

What are the things that will have the most impact?

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A: New Year is a fantastic time to press the reset button and reconsider your lifestyle.

You can make so many creative changes that will cut your carbon footprint and bring other benefits, not least saving you money.

Reduce your carbon footprint (photo: Shutterstock)

Here are my top five most effective personal climate actions ...

1 Switch to a low carbon diet

Eating less meat and dairy is the best route to a low carbon diet.

Globally, the meat industry generates nearly 20 per cent of the human-made greenhouse gases that are accelerating climate change.

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Buying seasonal and locally-grown food helps reduce your carbon miles from food too.

2 Travel sustainably

Transport is the main source of carbon dioxide and toxic air in the UK.